1.What is your research question?
How does Postmodernism affect Graphic Design Practice?
2. Do you have a hypothesis (an assumed conclusion that you will endeavour to prove)?
Modernism vs. Postmodernism and how it has affected new and established designers.
Modernism vs. Postmodernism and how it has affected new and established designers.
3. What are the contexts of your research interests (politics, advertising, consumerism)?
4. Sources of primary/secondary research.
Books and internet research.
Books and internet research.
5. How will your practical work answer the research question?
Creating a poster using modernist design principles but make it so its relevant to postmodernism.
Creating a poster using modernist design principles but make it so its relevant to postmodernism.
6. What methods will you use to research, develop, create and test your work?
I will look at modernist designers and incorporate inspiration from postmodern designers into my final practical design to make it postmodern. I will test my work by evaluating the modernist styles and postmodernist styles to see if they are relevant to my question.
7. Provide a proposed timeline for your work to completion (consider carefully whether you will need access to college facilities).
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