Monday, December 5, 2016

Identities and consumption

In what ways can products/services relate to consumers identities?
  • Representation of self (Goffman). - 'People believe that they are somehow represent who they are.'
  • Reinforce or establish social roles. - 'People use their possessions to express who they are... people's self is reflected by what they own.'
  • Belonging. - 'The process of categorizing individuals can lead to others (and self) becoming depersonalized. Because we tend to focus on the groups people belong to and the types of possessions they own.'
Actual self - the way people are at the present point in time
Ideal self - the self that we aspire to be
Ought self - the way we think we should be

How do consumers use products/services within social interaction?
  • Upwards comparison. Ideal self. Celebrity endorsements. - 'We may end up comparing ourselves to those who somehow are viewed to be more competent or desirable.'
  • Downwards comparison. Presenting one project (personality) as superior to another. - 'Generally people seek out those who appear ti do less well in one form or other, as in that way they can make downward social comparisons, meaning when we compare ourselves to those whom do less well, we appear to do better ourselves.'
  • Community. Bonding and cohesion. - 'The stronger self-connection to the product was explained by the fact that Macintosh computers are less commonly used and hence the user think of themselves as part as a small closely knit community.'
Using the theories discussed: suggests some visual communication strategies that effectively promote a product to it's target consumer.
  • Apple - Associate personality types with products.
  • Nespresso - George Clooney, celebrity endorsement, lifestyle. Upward comparison.
  • Perfume advertisements - the ideal self.
  • Dove 'Real Beauty' advertisement 
  • Humour - social/group identity
Are there any ethical issues?
  • Stereotypes people into categories 
  • Self-fulfilling prophecy
  • Unconscious
  • Perpetuating negative body images  
  • Narcissism 
Consumer identities are influenced by their environment, social behaviours and cultural factors. The item that the consumer buys reflects their characteristics dramatically as it shows their personality through the products. In society we are influenced by role models such as celebrities, family, friends or teachers so whatever they are wearing/recommend, we tend to trust them and potentially purchase them because we trust their recommendations as we aspire to be them in some way. Society also pressures us how we see ourselves from influences such as social media or in public where people seem to have the 'perfect ideal' or a certain body/physique/ the products we own - what we should and should not buy. Body image has a huge impact on everyone as we are taught at a young age how our bodies should be and how they should look and how to achieve that 'look'. This is taught from dolls and toys though childhood and has been reinforced by the media. We all have the tendency (consciously or subconsciously) to constantly compare ourselves to others we find beautiful as we want to aspire to that but without thinking that no two people are the same so we always find problems within ourselves because society has brainwashed us to feel self-aware and insecure at all times. For the practical outcome, this may affect my target audience as people generally would buy products that would benefit them and would make them 'prettier'. The type of product of the final outcome would also influence my target audience as they may see it as too masculine or too feminine or just unnecessary. 

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