Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Visual Investigation Final Outcome


The packaging was printed on Tyvek and Digital Print stock as they are both tear-proof and waterproof making it suitable if water gets onto it. Digital Print stock was far too thick for the packaging so Tyvek was more suitable. From a previous blog post, the material that was going to be used was supposed to be sustainable and eco-friendly. As Tyvek isn't recycled, it can be recycled after use. The reason why this material is the most suitable is because it is tear and waterproof which saves the hassle that the consumer may face if they don't own a soap dish.

Advertising ‘needs’ onto the packaging, helps consumers decide whether to buy the product or not depending on if they think it will benefit them ‘Consumers make product decisions based on how a product makes them feel. Going further, she observes the power of design to help elicit feelings. “In a crowded marketplace,” notes Postrel,“aesthetics is often the only way to make a product stand out.”’ (DuPuis and Silva, 2008, p.g.25)

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Typeface Consideration

Display type
The Didot typeface is a classic sans serif typeface. The extended and weight of the serifs make the typeface appear elegant. The overall typeface looks timeless and so it would suit the packaging as the audience is people of all ages and genders.

Body of text type

Helvetica has been used for the ingredients list as it is a neutral typefaces and therefore works well with any other typeface. 

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Society Lecture

Society is living, it is where an arranged set of people who are connected through fellowship, a bond through marriage or mutual interest. Society is about creating new structures with people, bonded through fellow men and citizens.

The government is part of a social contract, they hold the power and they give it to the police to control society.

State repress a hierarchy for freedom/ a way to live/ life/ new life.

First Things First Manifesto is a cry to smash capitalism. Non capitalists support skill sharing, mutual aid and working together to fight capitalism.

Papanek say that people design stuff to allure to the people rather than for needs.

Treating people as an end - using people as a means to an end.

Should socially and ecologically responsible design be the only kind of design?
How do we determine what is socially responsible? Understand what is ethics? What it is to live a good life? What it is to be free? And not repressed?

Ethical theories 

Subjective relativism  
There are no universal norms of right and wrong - all persons decide right and wrong for themselves "I did this because it felt right and made me happy". People working for themselves and their own interests rather than for other people.

The condition of capitalism and postmodernism put in rules in which people in society have to abide by. 

Cultural relativism 
The ethical theory that what's right or wrong depends on place and/or time. Racism used to be okay.
France has banned the hijab because they feel it's a symbol of patriarchal society.

Devine command theory 
Good actions are aligned with the will of God. Bad actions are contrary to the will of God. The Holy book helps make the decisions. People in the same religion have different attitudes but still follow the same book and beliefs.

Kantianism (deontological ethics) - Immanuel Kant - German philosopher
People's will should be based on morals therefore it's important that our actions are based on appropriate moral rules to determine when a moral rule is appropriate Kant Proper way.

Stereotype creates prejudice and a divide.

John Stuart mill - utilitarianism - generally makes the world a better place 
Anarchists don't believe in the state of police force but from the utilitarianism believe that they do make the world a better place.

Social contact theory - Thomas Hobbes and Jean-Jacques Rousseau 
Formed through the idea to make society work and stabilise society - break social contact - break society - born out of a revolution

Monday, March 6, 2017

Material Considerations

Having thinking about ethical issues and sustainability. The material for the final outcome will hopefully use minimal and sustainable materials as it shows that using sustainable packaging can look just as eye-catching and desirable as non-ecofriendly materials.

'Today companies must be honest in their endeavours because consumers are sceptical...issues of sustainability are all critical concerns.' (DuPuis and Silva, 2008, p.g.34)

Concern and eco-awareness are growing, and the packaging industry is responding by examining what's being done now and exploring new opportunities to improve current standards. (DuPuis and Silva, 2008, p.g.110)

DuPuis, S., Silva, J. and Braue-DuPuis (2008) Package design workbook: The art and science of   successful packaging. United States: Rockport Publishers.

Pattern Design Research for Practical Outcome

Having researched existing soap product packaging and my target audience, pattern design seems like the best idea to go for since it would target both female and male audiences if it was simple enough. It would also show that decent packaging design does not need to be complicated or heavily designed to look attractive.

'The secret to success in all ornament is the production of a broad general effect by the repetition of a few simple elements. Owen Jones' (Lupton and Phillips, 2008, p.g.186)

'In The series of pattern studies developed here and on the following pages, a simple lozenge form is used to build designs of vaying complexity. Experiments of this kind can be performed with countless base shapes, yielding an endless range of individual results.' (Lupton and Phillips, 2008, p.g.187)

'Regular and Irregular Interesting pattern designs often result from a mix of regular and irregular forces as well as abstract imagery.' (Lupton and Phillips, 2008, p.g.192)

LuptonEand PhillipsJ.C. (2008) Graphic DesignThe New BasicsEdited by Clare JacobsonNew YorkPrinceton Architectural Press.

Pitching Your Ideas and Further Developments

Having looked at the feedback, the Soap packaging seemed to be the best option as it requires the least amount of material to produce. As soap isn't as popular as shower/bath gels or tea, it would be beneficial to produce something that is not favoured anymore as it makes people think more about it when they see it.